Personal Belongings 1. Father
Personal Belongings 1. Father
Tomek Tyndyk
After all, the metaphor is quite classic – the death of a parent exposes our own mortality. We move one notch further along this strange line of life, one notch closer to the end. And be-hind this one tiny step lies a critical change. In the end, we are travelling towards the unknown. All the so-far categories lose their ground. Am I still a son or am I already an orphan? Does he still exist if I exist? Death is a catalyst for either change or decay. It is difficult to tell one from the other when you are soaked in death.
The relationship between a son and a father can be paradoxical – based on lack, longing, and resentment. In this very case, the negative emotional charge was dismantled/relieved by the illness. It allowed the father and son to re-establish their bond – still ambiguous and frail, but perhaps for the first time real. It is precisely during this time that Tomek Tyndyk photographs intensively – travelling between the city where he lives and the city where his father is hospitalised. He gets closer and drifts away in the rhythm of hospital visits, fragile
conversations, and recurring resentments. He kills the time he spends on the way with thoughtless photography. In the end, there is something calming and soothing about disappearing, even for a while.
In November 2021, everything comes to an end. Their complicated relationship, the presence and absence of the father in the artist’s life, conversations that never had a chance to take place, a whole lot of unspoken words – all of this is terminated by death. Without the possibility of explaining anything else, with no chance of closure. In his book Personal Belongings 1. Father, Tyndyk works on this exact point in his life. He does not yet understand what has happened, he has not yet found answers, nor has he mourned his loss. There is only the death of his father and the chaos in his own life.
photography: Tomek Tyndyk
sequence: Łukasz Rusznica, Tomek Tyndyk
book design: Ania Nałęcka-Milach
texts: Hanna Klepacka, Tomek Tyndyk
curatorial work: Łukasz Rusznica
translation into English: Krzysztof Kowalczyk
printing and binding: Drukmania, Poznań
printed on paper: Munken Print White 1.5, Wibalin Natural
typeset: Courier Prime, Bodoni Moda
binding: Softcover
number of pages: 64+4
publisher: Sun Archive (OPT Zamek)
partner: BWA Wrocław Galerie Sztuki Współczesnej
language of publication: Polish, English
year of production: 2023
edition: 300
ISBN: 978-83-966186-1-0
weight: 215g
size: 29,5cm x 21,5cm